Field Playability Guidelines
To insure consistency in determining whether or not a field is fit for play, the DLC developed these criteria. We believe these benchmarks will make for easier and more consistent decisions while enhancing the recreation experience for our participants.
Predicated on safety and maintenance concerns, these guidelines are a product of the efforts of program staff, maintenance personnel and volunteers.
When determining field playability, the following guidelines should be followed: Large areas of standing water on any part of the playing field is just cause for cancellation. Any attempt to remove standing water from small areas should be done by bailing or by a pump. During the course of inspection, any visible water or sound (squish) while walking is an indication that the field is unfit for play or practice. Footprints and the collection of water around them is an indication that the field should be closed
Directive: Upon the first sound of thunder or sighting of lightning, DLC staff will direct all in attendance to immediately go to their cars or enter the building, if possible. No one will be allowed to return to the field until 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder and sighting of lightning. Staff will have complete authority on decisions made at our facilities. In the absence of DLC staff, volunteer coaches and officials should follow the same procedure.
Weather Hotline (303) 212-3000
Safety First
Athletic Fields
Under any circumstances the safety of the participants is paramount. Strong consideration must also be given to the potential damage to the turf and the length of time required for the field to recover.